The LARGE INTESTINE channel of Hand YangMing
The Large Intestine: Transformation, Change, and Letting Go

Transformation. Change. Letting Go. Moving On. These might not be words that come to mind when you think of the Large Intestine. But they are just as connected to that system as are our bowels and our digestive health.

Basics information

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Large Intestine energy system, like all of our systems, is defined functionally as opposed to anatomically. It is defined by the role the energy plays in the body, not by a physical organ or tissue

The Large Intestine energy system (“Da Chang” or “Great Intestine”), is in charge of functions in the body such as receiving waste material from the Small Intestine system, absorbing fluid content, and excreting the waste. Understandably, we often treat the Large Intestine system when patients present with symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, or lower abdominal cramping.

Internal Relationships

The Large Intestine energy is paired with the Lung energy. We can therefore support the Large Intestine energy when treating a Lung pathology, such as an acute or chronic cough. Many times people get sick with a cold and then it transfers to their digestive system. The Qi of both the Large Intestine and the Lung needs to descend to be healthy – when Lung Qi doesn’t descend, we cough. When Large Intestine Qi doesn’t descend, we get constipated.

Psycho-Emotional Aspects

An emotional imbalance in the Large Intestine energy could manifest as chronic constipation, but it could also manifest as an emotional tendency to not let things go. Or chronic constipation could lead to certain destructive patterns of negative emotions.

The Large Intestine energy’s number one function in the body is to let go of those things that don’t serve us. Physically, it lets go of waste after our upper digestive system has taken all the necessary nutrients out of the food we eat. On an emotional level, the Large Intestine does the exact same thing. Healthy Large Intestine energy allows us to let go of patterns of negative thinking, destructive emotions, and spiritual blockages that we create that prevent us from being our best. When the function of the Large Intestine energy is compromised, people have a hard time moving on from difficult situations, or hold very tightly to emotions they know are harming them. This holding on can also manifest as an unwillingness to share emotions or be open with others – the phenomenon of “bottling up” emotions for years very often leads to chronic constipation.

As mentioned, the Large Intestine is a Metal element. Metal is associated with the emotion of grief. This attachment indicates Large Intestine energy involvement, for other negative emotions, too. A pathology in the Large Intestine energy may make one too attached to anger, or fear, or possessiveness – and manifest as an inability to make a change.

The Huang Di Neijing, one of the oldest texts in Chinese Medicine, speaks to the spiritual and emotional importance of the Large Intestine: “The Large Intestine is the official of the transmission of the Way, change and transformation emerge from it.”

Change and transformation come from being open to the new, and ready and willing to let go of the old. There is only room for new and positive transformation when we are able to move on from the patterns that hold us to where we are now. And it is the health of the Large Intestine energy that allows us to do that.

The Large Intestine Channel Acu-Points
LI 1 Metal Yang

Jing Well Point, for heat, pain, stagnation, especially...

LI 2 Second Space

Shown to increase saliva production and to effect...

LI 3 Third Space

Expel wind and heat particularly from the throat, teeth, mouth,...

LI 4 Union Valley

Releases the exterior for wind-cold or wind-heat syndromes

LI 5 Yang Ravine

Local point for wrist pain.

LI 6 Veering Passageway

Luo Connecting Point, influences the descending...

LI 7 Warm Dwelling

Xi Cleft Point useful for pain due to stagnation...

LI 8 Lower Ridge

The following relationships exist between the ST...

LI 9 Upper Ridge

The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI...

LI 10 Arm Three Li

The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI...

LI 11 Pool at the Bend

Reduction of high fevers, patients with the 4 bigs...

LI 12 Elbow Bone Hole

Local point for pain in the elbow and/or upper arm, tennis elbow.

LI 13 Arm Five Li

Local point for pain in the elbow and upper arm...

LI 14 Upper Arm

Local point for pain in the shoulder and upper arm...

LI 15 Shoulder Bone

Shoulder Disorders, rotator cuff injuries, adhesive...

LI 16 Great Bone

Adjunctive point with LI 15 for shoulder issues, particularly...

LI 17 Celestial Tripod

Sore throat, loss of voice, sensation of something "stuck" in the throat ("plum pit qi”).

LI 18 Protuberance Assistant

Window of the Sky Point for sudden loss of voice with qi...

LI 19 Grain Bone Hole

Sinus congestion...

Contact : Dr Nilima Thakkar : 982 0676 600
LI 1 Metal Yang

Jing Well Point, for heat, pain, stagnation, especially at the opposite end of the channel, for eye and ear pain and inflammation, toothache.

Bleed for high fever, coma

LI 2 Second Space

Shown to increase saliva production and to effect the areas of the brain involved in saliva production. Useful for dry mouth (xerostomia).

LI 2 & LI 3 are not used often clinically as LI 4 & LI 11 have broader applications.

Sedation Point and Ying Spring Point, treats excess and clears heat from opposite end of the channel, for toothache, eye redness and pain, gum inflammation, sore throat.

LI 3 Third Space

Expel wind and heat particularly from the throat, teeth, mouth, face and eyes.


LI 4 Union Valley

Releases the exterior for wind-cold or wind-heat syndromes

Strengthens the wei qi, improves immunity

Regulates the sweat glands, for excessive sweating tonify LI 4 then disperse KD 7 and vice versa.

Any problem on the face - sense organs, mouth, teeth, jaw, toothache, allergies, rhinitis, hay fever, acne, eye problems, etc.

Toothache use both LI 4 & ST 44 - LI for the lower jaw & ST for the upper jaw.

Headache, especially frontal a/or sinus (yangming area).

Chronic Pain

Influence the circulation of Qi and Blood - Use the four gates, LI 4 & LV 3 to strongly move the Qi and Blood in the body clearing stagnation and alleviating pain.

Promote labor or for retained placenta

LI 5 Yang Ravine

Local point for wrist pain.

Classically noted with LI 7 for "seeing ghosts," may be useful in manic conditions.

LI 6 Veering Passageway

Luo Connecting Point, influences the descending and dispersing function of the Lungs - useful for upperbody edema a/or facial puffiness.

The Luo channel travels upward to the face effecting the jaw, teeth and ears, tinnitus, deafness, toothache, nosebleeds.

LI 7 Warm Dwelling

Xi Cleft Point useful for pain due to stagnation along the meridian in the shoulders, elbows and wrist.

Classically noted with LI 5 for "seeing ghosts," may be useful in manic conditions.

LI 8 Lower Ridge

The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and SI organ problems:

SI: LI 8 & ST 39

LI: LI 9 & ST 37

ST: LI 10 & ST 36

Blood in the urine arising from heat in the SI - use with CV 3 & ST 39.

Calms the spirit, clear Yang Ming fire - mania, headaches, stroke.

× LI 9 Upper Ridge

The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and SI organ problems:

SI: LI 8 & ST 39

LI: LI 9 & ST 37

ST: LI 10 & ST 36

Local point for shoulder, elbow, and arm pain.

Stagnation in the large intestine - abdominal pain, dark/difficult urination.

Numbness of the limbs - particularly the upper limbs, stroke recovery.

LI 10 Arm Three Li

The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and SI organ problems:

SI: LI 8 & ST 39

LI: LI 9 & ST 37

ST: LI 10 & ST 36

Shoulder, elbow & wrist pain issues, general achiness in these areas.

Paralysis in the upper limbs.

Less dispersive & more tonifying than other LI points.

Epigastric & abdominal pain, ulcers, vomiting.

LI 11 Pool at the Bend

Reduction of high fevers, patients with the 4 bigs, combine with LI 1, LI 2 or LI 4.

Damp Heat skin diseases, red, itchy, oozing & inflamed (hives, herpes zoster, acne), may be used with UB 40 for any skin disease.

ST Excess Issues, burning diarrhea.

Elbow and upper limb disorders, pain and inflammation, atrophy, tremors - expels wind dampness from the channel.

Hot flashes a/or menstrual issues with heat in the Blood.

Expels summer heat with UB 40 & SP 10, for heat stroke add SI 3

LI 13 Arm Five Li

Local point for pain in the elbow and upper arm.

Difficulty breathing, cough, vomiting of blood.


LI 14 Upper Arm

Local point for pain in the shoulder and upper arm.

Weakness in the upper arms

Benefits the eyes - redness, swelling, pain.


LI 15 Shoulder Bone

Shoulder Disorders, rotator cuff injuries, adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder, any ROM issues.

Seminal emission due to taxation.

LI 16 Great Bone

Adjunctive point with LI 15 for shoulder issues, particularly chronic issues related to blood stasis.

Resolve Blood stagnation in the chest & lungs, vomiting a/or coughing of Blood.

LI 18 Protuberance Assistant

Window of the Sky Point for sudden loss of voice with qi obstruction in the throat.

High blood pressure, for which Window of the Sky Points are sometimes indicated, may also be useful for low blood pressure.

LI 19 Grain Bone Hole

Sinus congestion.

Nasal polyps, sores.

Nosebleed (combination with GV 23 and LI 19)

LI 20 Welcome Fragrance

Loss of smell or taste, nasal discharge, any nose a/or sinus issues, nasal polyps, rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies. Often combined with LI 19 and other local points.