The stomach likes wetness, spleen likes dryness

Stomach needs plenty of fluids to perform rotting and ripening function.

Fluids are derived from ingested food - to form essences which are extracted by spleen

- to form body fluids

Nei jing states "Stomach likes wetness and dislikes dryness" if stomach fluids are abundant, digestion will be good.

Causes of deficient stomach fluids

- eating large meals late at night

- deficiency of kidney YIN from long term loss of fluids

Stomach easily suffers from excesses ; spleen easily suffers from deficiency


Its transformation and transformation function can be impaired by damp - damp forming foods like dairy , salads

Spleen separates the usable from unusable fluids. It is central organ in production of Qi essence - it extracts the GU Qi (food Qi)

Hence spleen liked Dryness.

Contact : Dr Nilima Thakkar : 982 0676 600