The Stomach channel of Foot YangMing

The stomach is called the 'Minister of the Mill' and is also known as the 'Sea of Nourishment'. Because it is responsible for providing the entire system with postnatal energy from the digestion of food and fluids, it is regarded as the 'Root of Postnatal Life'. In addition to digesting bulk foods and fluids and moving them onwards to the small intestine for extraction and assimilation of nutrients, the stomach also extracts pure postnatal energy from foods and fluids, and in coordination with spleen energy it transports this food energy through the meridian system to the lungs, where it combines with air energy from breathing.

Governed by pivotal Earth energy, the stomach is responsible for extracting and balancing all Five Elemental Energies from foods and fluids ingested through the mouth, which it shares with the spleen as its external aperture. Any dysfunction of the stomach results in an immediate deficiency or imbalance in the nourishing energy channeled from the stomach to other organs.

Stomach Channel
  • Paired Organ : Spleen
  • Color : deep yellow
  • Peak Hours : 7am-9am

Functions digestion, absorption of postnatal energy

Psycho-Emotional Aspects

The Stomach influences the mental state; an Excess condition can agitate the mind and cause mental symptoms such as: mania or hypomania, confusion, severe anxiety, and hyperactivity.

The Stomach channel of Acu-Points
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*ST 45 - Lidui*

English Name: Severe Mouth
Pinyin Name: Lidui

Contact : Dr Nilima Thakkar : 982 0676 600
*ST 45 - Lidui*

English Name: Severe Mouth
Pinyin Name: Lidui

Clinical Uses

Release heat a/or move stagnation from the channel and organ - headaches, toothaches, facial pain, sore throat, TMJ, bell's palsy, facial deviation from stroke.

Agitation a/or insomnia w/heat signs, excessive dreaming, loss of consciousness,

manic depression - calms the spirit.

Moves cold in the lower limbs, shin, knee.

*ST 45 Point Associations*

Jing Well Point

Metal Point

*ST 45 TCM Patterns*

Phlegm Misting the Heart

Heart Yin Deficiency

Liver Wind