ACUSTAR - Membership Registration Form
To The General Secretary,
Association of Acupuncture Science Practitioners (AASP)
Respected Sir,
I hereby apply to be enrolled as ACUSTAR MEMBER of our esteemed association. It is requested to accept my requisite fees along with necessary papers and filled in Form for enrollment in the association.
**Terms & Conditions:
I hereby declare that above stated statement is absolutely true to my knowledge. If any how any information or above statement is proved false, my/state membership will be cancelled instantly and fees paid for that purpose will be forfeited automatically. I shall hereby give undertaking that I shall abide by rules and regulations of Acustar Membership, failing which my membership will be stood cancelled.
Acustar Membership Plan's
- All
- Acupuncture Advanced
- Individual India
- Individual International
- Institutional Membership
- Workshops