Research Program
AASP invites acupuncturist to participate in the following research programs
Criteria :
  • Qualified Acupuncturist.
  • Must enrol at least 5 patients and follow up for 1 year.
  • Regular feedback with research program coordinator.

Obesity is a condition with excessive amount of body fat. It is not only a lifestyle disorder but a malfunction of the digestion and assimilation pr- ocess of the body. Many a times it is secondary a other metabolic and hormonal disorders. Only Dieting exercise fail to give desired and per- manent results.Acupuncture Therapy regulates the nutritive functions of the body, regulate endocrine functions and activates the inherent fat regulating functions.

Program Duration : 1 year

Asthma is characterised by paroxysms of dyspnoea and wheezing, resulting from narrowing of bronchial airways by muscle spasm, mucosal swelling or viscid secretion.Patients suffer from episodic or chronic attacks, either due to allergies or non specific factors. Acupuncture is useful to reduce the intensity of the attacks and a long term treatment can lead to a curative action.

Program Duration : 1 year

Rheumatism is achronic inflammatory, and often destructive and deforming polyarthritis. Thisauto immune disease is considered incurable and is responsible for aincapacitating and painful life. Patients with rheumatism are forced to takepainkillers and other immune modulating drugs, often with side-effects.Acupuncture offers better solutions and a better life for such patients.

Program Duration : 1 year

Colitis is anon-specific chronic inflammatory bowel disease, which may sometimes lead to ulceration of the colon. The patient suffers from chronic diarrhoea, mucus stools with tenesmus and loss of blood which lowers immunity and weakens the constitution. Such patients often need life long medication and a restricted lifestyle. Acupuncture helps treat the roots of this illness and offers a better quality of life.

Program Duration : 1 year
Contact : Dr Nilima Thakkar : 982 0676 600